Sissy Maid Training: The Ultimate Guide

Sissy Maid Training: The Ultimate Guide

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Welcome to your sissy maid training! This is a starter how-to guide for the beginner sissy maid. Here you will learn the basic knowledge and skills you need to know to be the perfect sissy maid that you and your Mistress/Master desire.

Whether you are just beginning your sissy training or looking for a refresher course in the basics this is the guide for you. You will gain the skills you need to push you in the correct direction towards your ultimate goal of becoming your true self.

In this training you will learn everything from the basics of personal care and hygiene, how to properly curtsey to your Mistress/Master, how to incorporate your sissy maid outfits into your daily life, as well as the proper way in which you should begin incorporating daily chores such as dish washing, laundry, ironing and the basics of baking. This Training Guide should not only help you become more feminized but should also serve as a guide in which you can reference often during your sissy training.

After you and your Mistress/Master feel satisfied with your progress you should move on to the more advanced courses in this series.

Don’t Forget:

  • 👉 Pushing yourself and your boundaries is a major part of your sissy maid training. You will never be truly comfortable in your new role otherwise.
  • 👉 Committing to your new lifestyle can be a long and hard road but it should be an enjoyable one as well. Many sissy maids spend years before they become who they truly want to be. • Taking progress pictures of yourself throughout the process of your sissy maid training will help give you encouragement and show you just how far you have come.
  • 👉 Connecting with peers in person, or even over the internet will give you a base of people to talk to about your training as well as help give you encouragement.

It’s important to remember changing your entire lifestyle and becoming a true sissy maid will certainly not be easy. It will take patience, perseverance and dedication to your studies, but the end result will be worth it. Many times in your sissy maid training you will feel emotionally challenged but you must remember the end goal.

At every moment you should strive to be the best possible sissy maid you can with the knowledge that one day you will have the reward of being the true you. Eventually you will see your new role as a sissy maid become a reality. Enjoy your journey!

Personal Care and Hygiene

Taking care of yourself and your body is the first step in your sissy training. Once you start putting these things into practice you will feel more comfortable in your sissy maid skin. Working daily, weekly and monthly routines into your lifestyle will help you slowly become more feminized. Start by setting your alarm clock an hour earlier than you normally wake up every day.

On the first day get a pen and paper and stand in front of the mirror and look yourself over. What do you see that could be changed to be more feminine? Do you need to pluck that unsightly ear and nostril hair? Perhaps you need to clean the dirt from under your nails? Would a real woman have hair on her legs, or allow herself to leave the house without face and body lotion on? Write down each item you see .

This is not meant to make you feel bad about yourself but rather to show you what it is about yourself that is a masculine vibe rather than the more feminized version of yourself you desire. Now it’s time to set goals for yourself so you can make your wish of becoming a sissy maid a reality.

Pin this list onto your bathroom mirror for reference. Once you have determined the items you need to change, you should spend this extra hour every morning working on your personal appearance. Experiment with tweezing your eyebrows, grooming your facial hair, and resolving any of the issues on your newly compiled list.

After a while you should become more familiar with each of these things and they will become easier. After a month, the time spent on these items should be lower and you can start to compile a daily routine for yourself. The important part is that you are taking steps to make yourself more feminized and womanly in appearance.

Helpful Tips

  • 👉 Spending an hour or so every day grooming yourself will make your weekly and monthly routines much easier.
  • 👉 Going to a salon bi-weekly or on a monthly basis will not only make you look fabulous but will help better integrate you into the lifestyle of a woman.

Your Homework

The first day you begin your sissy maid transformation you are to take a ‘before’ picture of yourself. Keep this picture in a safe place because you will be charting your transformation with a picture after the completion of each chapter. Go to your local pharmacy or drug store and purchase a brand new pink razor, a nice shaving gel, and a pretty smelling lotion.

You will be shaving your legs. To set the mood, light some candles, put on some classical music and take a bath. Slowly shave your legs with the shaving cream taking care not to miss a single rogue hair. When you get out of the bath, dry off and take the lotion and rub it all over your new soft legs. Don’t forget to take a picture of your pretty legs so you can better document your sissy boi transformation.

Answer the following questions:

  • 👉 Looking at your progression pictures and your timed notes: Do you feel more confident about yourself?
  • 👉 Have you checked everything off your list that you felt would make you appear more feminine?
  • 👉 Have you noticed any reactions from friends, family, or co-workers about your new appearance?

Dressing the Part

Purchasing Your Sissy Maid Uniform:
When purchasing your sissy maid uniform it is important to find one that speaks to you but also one that your Mistress/Master has a say in. You should not purchase any article of your sissy maid outfit unless your Mistress/Master has given you a direct order to do so or has given you explicit directions about what you are to purchase.

How to Put on Your New Apron:
Understanding how to put your uniform on properly is a very important part of your sissy maid training and should be practiced often. Until you feel confident enough in your abilities to properly do this you will need to always put on your sissy maid uniform in front of the mirror and double check yourself over before you are done.

Once you have all of your items necessary to compile your sissy maid uniform together spend a few hours each day practicing putting each item on. Stockings can be daunting at first, but once you finally get them on you will love the feel of them against your man legs.

Take each stocking into your hands and carefully scrunch them up as tight as you can making sure you leave room for your big man feet to slide into them. Slowly take your foot and slide your toes into them. The seam should run perfectly across the bottom of your toes.

Pull your stockings up delicately until they are tight around the middle of your thigh. Make sure you pay special attention to tying your apron. Take the strings into your hands and hold them at the base of your hips. Wrap the strings around your waist and tie them in a neat bow.

You may need to double-check yourself a few times in the mirror. The strings should be completely straight both in the front and the back. Before beginning your sissy maid duties, fluff the corners of your bow so it hangs just above your ass.

Keeping Your Sissy Maid Outfit Clean:

A perfectly cleaned apron for your Mistress/Master is very important. You should always make sure that you look over your apron and ensure that it is spotless every time you put it on. With proper maintenance and care you should be able to wear your sissy maid uniform for a long time to come. It should always look as good as the day that you originally purchased it, without fail.

If you come across any stains on your sissy maid outfit you will need to get a high thread count piece of cloth that will not scratch the delicate satin of your sissy uniform. Wet the fabric and carefully dab any stains that may be there without rubbing too hard with your man hands.

Do not stretch or pull the fabric as you do so. If you come across any loose threads or runs in the fabric carefully clip them off before they become any larger. Any wrinkles should be steamed out with an iron on the lowest setting. Don’t forget to give your sissy maid outfit another once over before putting it on.

Helpful Tips

  • 👉 Going out and purchasing items in person rather than buying items online is very important.
  • 👉 Incorporating items into your daily wardrobe will make you feel more feminine as well as help you move in a more feminine way throughout the day.
  • 👉 Remember a full sissy maid uniform includes: panties, stockings, bra, bonnet, heels, and apron.
  • 👉 Take progression pictures of you in your sissy maid uniform at the end of each time you practice putting it on. Compare them with the last several times to see how far you have come in your sissy maid training.

Your Homework

Your first major ‘dressing the part’ portion of your sissy maid training will be to go out and purchase at least one pair of frilly sissy maid panties for each day of the week. You should go to a store that is dedicated to lingerie and walk around the store in search of something that stands out to you. Once you find a pair of panties that speaks to you, hold them to your body.

They should reach from hip to hip without any stretch. You may even need to purchase a size larger so that you will be able to tuck your man parts inside them.

They should be a pink, red, or purple satin variety. When you arrive home you are to try them on in front of the mirror. Tuck your pathetic cock and balls between your legs when wearing your new panties.

When you feel comfortable enough you can toss all of your other gross man undies in the trash and only wear your new satin panties. Wear them at home, at work and everywhere in between and you will be feeling more feminine in no time.

Answer the following questions:

  • 👉 What article of sissy maid clothing makes you feel the most feminine when you wear it?
  • 👉 Do you notice that when you wear women’s articles of clothing you consciously and subconsciously move in a more feminine way?
  • 👉 Do you notice that you feel more embarrassed or excited when someone notices that you are wearing your sissy maid clothing?

Also Read: Sissy Training Part 1

The Proper Way to Curtsey

There are several steps that ensure a proper curtsey and if even one of the steps is improperly done it can mean offending your Mistress/Master and their guests. Follow these simple steps to make sure that does not happen. During a proper curtsey your chin should face forward, but your eyes should be pointed towards the ground in a sign of respect.

  1. Lifting your skirt: 👉 Lightly pinch either side of your sissy maid outfit between your forefinger and your thumb. Pull the fabric away from your body three inches on either side of you. Your pinkies should be extended and pointing away from you as you do so.
  2. Foot positioning:👉 Place your right foot behind your left. Balance your right foot on only the ball of your foot. Both feet should be positioned so that they are facing opposite directions from your body.
  3. Bending down:👉 When you actually move to bend down for the curtsey make sure that your back is kept straight the entire time. At no point should you ever bend your back. Stretch your knees outward and away from your body before lowering yourself.
  4. Returning to your original position:👉 When your curtsey is complete, make sure you take your time in returning to your original position. Nothing ruins a proper sissy maid curtsey faster than popping back up and going about your business. Remember this is a sign of respect for your Mistress/Master and their guests and should be treated as so. Returning to your original position should be done as gracefully as the rest of the curtsey.
  5. Timing: 👉 Timing is everything when it comes to the proper sissy maid curtsey. You should always be able to judge what your Mistress/Master is thinking. A normal curtsey should take about 15 seconds in total with a 5 second hold at the end of the curtsey. If you get the sense that your Mistress/Master is in a hurry go ahead and only hold the position for two seconds before returning to your duties.

Helpful Tips

  • 👉 Make sure at no time do you ever make eye contact while in midcurtsey with your Mistress/Master or any of their guests. Eyes should be on the floor at all times.
  • 👉 Timing is everything when it comes to a proper curtsey. Make sure that everything you do is done in a slow, yet graceful, manner.
  • 👉 As with anything, practice makes perfect. Practice, practice, and then practice some more.

Your Homework

For this next homework assignment you are to go out to your local porn shop and purchase a butt plug. For this assignment you will also need a pair of high heels. For the next seven days you will put on your new satin panties, a pair of your highest high heels and insert your butt plug.

After you are completely dressed and ready to go you can begin your assignment. You will set aside two hours to practice your curtsey in the mirror. For this task and this task alone you may make eye contact with yourself in the mirror but remember when you curtsey for your Mistress/ Master eye contact is absolutely unacceptable.

Closely watch every movement you make. Your toes should be in the proper place at all times. The butt plug will help you move slower and more gracefully. Practice for two hours a day for the next week. When the week is over, record yourself without eye contact and examine the video. Everything should look like one graceful and fluid motion.

Answer these questions:

  • 👉 Is your curtsey up to the standards that you feel your Mistress/Master could present you to her/his associates?
  • 👉 After watching a recording of yourself, what portion of the curtsey do you believe you need to work on the most?
  • 👉 Do you find that you need more work doing a proper curtsey in high heels as opposed to flat bottomed shoes?

Dish Time

Dish washing is one of the sissy maid tasks that you will be required to do daily or even multiple times a day. There are several very important steps in the dish washing process. Each one of them is essential to completing this sissy maid duty with the highest standards possible.

Get into your sissy maid uniform before you begin completing the following steps.

Fill the Sink: 👉 Having a proper ratio of hot soapy water is essential to have clean dishes that your Mistress/Master likes to eat off of. The water should be as hot as you can stand and have a good amount of soap. Make sure to change your water often when it becomes either discolored or cool to the touch.

Glove Up: 👉 A pair of rubber gloves will help you better grip slippery dishes as well as protect your delicate sissy hands from drying out or being burnt by the hot water. If you do not have rubber gloves, you should make sure to rub lotion into your hands after every dish washing as well as clean underneath each of your nails.

Scrape: 👉 You will need to scrape the large chunks of all the icky food into the garbage or into containers for leftovers. Stack the dishes in a neat pile before beginning your washing. All liquids should be dumped in the garbage bin as well.

Soak: 👉 Any items that require a heavy duty scrubbing should be saved for last. Soaking them in hot soapy water will break up and loosen any hard to clean areas making it easier for your sissy hands to scrub. You are never to use a metal scrubby on any non-stick surface.

Silverware: 👉Silverware and utensils should be the first items you wash. This will help you when it comes to drying items. They are also the first items to go into your mouth and touch your Mistress/Master’s lips, therefore they are the most important to have extremely clean. Before putting the item into the dish rack make sure that it is completely clean.

Cups: 👉Again cups, glasses and mugs are all items that will directly touch your Mistress/ Master’s mouth and should be extremely clean. If at any time you feel your water is not hot enough or even slightly discolored you should change it immediately.

Plates: 👉Plates and bowls should be the next items that are washed. Don’t forget to check the back of each plate and bowl. They may have gotten icky stains on them when being stacked. Dip them individually into the water before beginning scrubbing each item.

Pots and Pans: 👉These items should be done last as they are usually the yuckiest ones and will cause your water to become greasy. If you need to change the water in between pots and pans, do so. You should also check to make sure the sink is wiped out and there is no grease ring around the sink before refilling it with hot soapy water.

Drying:👉 Once you have completely finished washing every dish you will need to take a dry towel and polish each item individually before putting them in their proper place. Make sure there is not a single water stain or fuzz ball from the towel on anything.

Clean the Sink:👉 The last part of your sissy maid assignment is to clean the sink. Neither you nor your Mistress/Master wants any of those yucky germs around. Make sure that any food particles are wiped out of the sink, the sponges are free of food and any excess water, and that the sink is polished dry.

Helpful Tips

Polishing silverwear at least monthly is essential to keep water spots and potential rusting away.

Wearing dish gloves will help keep your hands nice and smooth and prevent them from drying out.

When finished, your dishes should be ‘squeaky clean’. Run a finger along each dish once they are clean. If your finger slides too easily along the dish it may have be greasy and require a second washing.

Your Homework

For this chapters sissy maid homework you will need to get into your full sissy maid outfit. Don’t forget to shave your legs beforehand. We wouldn’t want any icky man hairs to poke through your pretty stockings. You will need to take every single item out of every drawer, cupboard and pantry.

Take a hot, soapy cloth and wipe down every shelf and cupboard. When you have completed this you will be washing every single item by hand and following the above steps to the letter. Finally the last portion of your sissy maid assignment is to reorganize the dishes and place them in a specific spot. Take photos of each cupboard, shelf and pantry so you will be able to reference them in the future.

Answer the following questions:

  • 👉Do you get a rush from taking on your first sissy maid cleaning duty?
  • 👉What items so far in your training do you feel that you need most work improving on?
  • 👉Examine your progress photos from the past several chapters. Do you notice any changes in yourself yet? Are your poses becoming more feminine?

Laundry, Ironing & Washing Your Delicates

Laundry and ironing have always been considered woman’s chores and that is why you will be now taking over this responsibility for your entire household. While training to become a sissy maid you will be taking on more and more household chores that are generally considered woman’s work. This will help you slowly become more feminized.


Laundry should never be put off until the last possible minute. This is a sissy maid chore that should be done several times a week at the very least. You will never wear or use an item more than once without washing it from now on. Sheets and towels should be changed and cleaned at least every other day.

Follow the steps below to learn the proper way that your Mistress/Master would like to have laundry done. Since you will possibly be working with bleach you should wear a full cotton apron over your sissy maid uniform.

Read Labels: 👉Make sure that you read every individual label on each piece of clothing you have. This will give you a better understanding of exactly how an item is to be washed. You certainly would not like to shrink any of your Mistress/Masters clothing items because you were careless about reading what the care label said.

Sort Colors: 👉Divide your laundry loads based on the colors and care instructions. White colors should be run on hot water and have a bit of bleach thrown in with them to help keep them the crisp white you are looking for. Dark colored clothing and linen can also be run on hot water. Bright colors should be run with warm or cool water so that they do not stain each other and stay nice and bright. Most of your delicates (bra’s, panties, stockings) will most likely require a hand washing. If not, they should be washed together in cold water.

Wash Cycle: 👉After deciding what temperature you will be turning the washing machine to, you can start your load. Make sure you have a nice spring or floral scented laundry detergent. This will help make you feel more feminine when you wear your clothing. Liquid detergents tend to work a bit better than the powdered ones and do not leave dry stains on your clothing. Read the label of each laundry detergent and make sure you are properly measuring it before putting it in the wash.

Dry: 👉Put your items into the dryer on the lowest possible setting you can and check them every 15 minutes or so. Your clothes should be completely dry and slightly warm to the touch when you remove them from the dryer. If they are too hot they can shrink or discolor each other.

Fold/Iron:👉 When you pull your items out of the dryer determine if they need ironed. If they do not, go ahead and delicately fold them or put them on hangers. Lay each item on a flat surface and smooth out any wrinkles before folding them in precise sizes and putting them in their proper place. If you feel that ironing is necessary to a particular item move to the next portion of this chapter.


Ironing is another sissy maid duty that should be performed at least once a week for all items in your closet. Set up your ironing board and turn the iron on. Make sure the iron is properly filled with water before beginning. Read the label of the particular clothing or linen item to help determine what temperature you should turn your iron to.

Iron all items with the lowest temperature first. When you have finished the items that require low heat turn the temperature higher before moving on. For tough wrinkles, try steaming them out for better results. Take care not to leave the iron in one spot for too long or you could burn the fabric and leave a stain.

Washing Delicates:

Gather every pair of panties, every bra, every pair of stockings and all of your aprons (except the one you are wearing) in the house along with a pretty smelling liquid washing detergent. Fill your bath tub with water and add a small amount of the laundry soap.

The water should be warm to the touch but not too hot or else you take the risk of shrinking your clothing. You will need to soak each item individually while lightly rubbing the fabric together until it is clean. Place them to the side and move onto the next piece.

Take special care to be delicate when washing the stockings as to not put any runs in them. Once every item is clean you will need to fill up the tub again, this time with plain water. You will rinse every item and drain the tub if it becomes discolored. Leave your items on the shower curtain rod to dry before putting them back in their proper place.

Helpful Tips

  • 👉Make sure you read the label on each item regardless if you think you know what fabric needs what.
  • 👉Hang dry items in a warm, breezy area whenever possible to help make your items last as long as possible.
  • 👉To get icky stains out try a 50/50 mixture of white vinegar and water. Lightly dab the mixture onto the stain with a soft cloth before throwing it into the wash.

Your Homework

This chapters sissy maid homework assignment will be to get dressed in your favorite bra and pantie set as well as a pair of your highest high heels. Take everything out of your closet and toss out everything that no longer makes you feel feminine when you wear it. Everything else should be sorted, laundered and ironed according to its individual label. Don’t forget to take pictures of yourself and each step along the way to better track your progress.

Answer the following questions:

  • 👉As you begin to take on more sissy maid chores, do you notice any changes in the amount of time you spend a day sleeping?
  • 👉How does it make you feel doing sissy maid duties that are generally considered women’s work?
  • 👉Examine each of your progression pictures over the last several chapters. Do you feel you are progressing at a fast enough rate? Should you be pushing your boundaries further?

Basics of Baking

Basic Pantry Items:
Baking Soda and Powder

Baking Substitutions:
Instead of butter use…

Basic Baking Tools:
Baking Sheet
Cooling Rack
Mixing Bowls
Rubber Spatula’s
Measuring cups/Spoons

Oven Temperatures:

When baking it is important to preheat your oven at least 10 to 15 minutes before you put anything in the oven. Since oven temperatures vary based on the rack you place your cookie sheet on, you should only bake one sheet at a time, centered on the middle rack. Cookies should be removed immediately from the baking sheet after you take them out of the oven to keep them from cooking any further.

Chocolate Chip Recipe:
👉 2 1/4 cups of flour
👉 1 teaspoon of salt
👉 2 sticks of butter (room temperature)
👉 1/2 cup packed brown sugar
👉 1 cup white sugar
👉 1 1/2 teaspoons of pure vanilla
👉 2 eggs (large)
👉 2 cups chocolate chips


  1. 👉 Preheat oven to 350 degrees
  2. 👉In a mixing bowl add flour, salt, and baking soda (Mix gently and set bowl aside) ▪ In a separate bowl mix butter, brown sugar, and white sugar (Once finished mixing add 2 eggs and vanilla)
  3. 👉Add dry ingredients from first bowl to the wet ingredients in the second bowl (Everything should look even and smooth)
  4. 👉Add the chocolate chips and mix delicately ▪ Prepare the baking sheet by wiping it down with a thin layer of oil
  5. 👉Take golf ball sized balls of the dough and place them on the cool baking sheet 1 inch apart from each other
  6. 👉Bake the cookies on the middle rack of the oven for 8 to 10 minutes (If they look doughy, leave them in for another minute or two)

Remove cookies from sheet and place on cooling rack and let them cool for at least 5 minutes Remember each cookie should be relatively the same size and shape. They should not be burned on the bottom. It may take several times for you to get the recipe right but once you get the basics of baking you will be able to move on to more complicated recipes such as cakes, pies, cupcakes, and more.

Helpful Tips

  • 👉Unlike cooking, baking requires you to follow exact recipes or it simply won’t work. Make sure you don’t mess with the original recipe when baking.
  • 👉Allow baking sheets to cool completely before reusing them.
  • 👉Always use large eggs for recipes unless the recipe calls for a specific
  • 👉Never use table spoons for measuring as they can vary in sizes.
  • 👉Make sure the butter you use in a recipe is room temperature before beginning your recipe.

Your Homework

Your homework for this chapter will be to bake a perfect batch of chocolate chip cookies and take them to a party, work event or simply let your Mistress/Master decide where you take them. Wear a cotton apron over your sissy maid uniform to prevent flour stains.

Once you are completely done baking and your cookies are cooling you will need to do the dishes, clean all counter tops in your kitchen and hand wash and dry your cotton apron in the sink. Remember practice makes perfect, just like everything in your sissy maid training. Don’t forget to take a picture of your pretty cookies for your progress pictures before taking them to your event!

Answer the following questions:

  • 👉Does baking make you feel more feminine?
  • 👉How do people react when you bake cookies and take them to a party or event?
  • 👉Can you relate your transition into a sissy maid to the tedious process of baking? What similarities are there?

Sissy Maid Training Final Questions

  • 👉What tasks did you seem to excel at and which ones do you feel you need the most work on?
  • 👉Looking at your progress pictures do you notice that you already look more feminine?
  • 👉Do you feel that you pushed your boundaries enough?
  • 👉Do you believe that your Mistress/Master seems happy with your progress so far?
  • 👉How many hours a day do you spend doing your sissy maid training? What could you drop out of your life so that you could contribute more time?
  • 👉Do you still feel as committed to your sissy maid training as you did when you first started?
  • 👉Since starting your sissy maid schooling have you told any of your family or friends about your training?
  • 👉Have you incorporated wearing any of your sissy maid items into your daily life?
  • 👉Have you reached out to any like-minded sissy boi’s either in person or online? What have you talked about? Did you receive any good advice?
  • 👉Do you catch yourself subconsciously moving and acting more effeminate?
  • 👉Are you ready to move onto course two and incorporate more sissy maid training into your daily, weekly and monthly lifestyles?

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