7 Best Diaper Sissy Stories for All Fans

7 Best Diaper Sissy Stories for All Fans

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little sister’s baby sister pt.6

I shrugged off my intestines warning thinking I can hold it until I get home. We drove to Mighty taco and went inside. “Ok, we’re gonna get you two the super Mighty 4 pack to share, why don’t you look for a table for us to sit at while we order” said my dad, we walked towards the back of the restaurant and sat at a corner booth. Maria leaned over and whispered in my ear.

“Are you ok, you were squirming in the car” she asked

I whispered back “don’t worry, I can hold it until we get home”

She had a look of concern “you know you can use the bathroom here.”

“I don’t want to risk anyone seeing my pull-up.” I answered. Maria sat back with a look of concern but when Mom and Dad arrived with the food her whole face changed. 

“Ok, you both get two barritos, no more.” Said mom, she handed us the bag and we both took two and started to eat. while we ate I listened to Mom ask Maria about school. As Maria told Mom about how great it was I couldn’t help but feel sorry for her, she has to put on this face whenever mom was around. Before I noticed I finished eating my second borrito, I was still hungry and started to eye Maria’s second borrito.

She must of noticed because she discreetly swapped her borrito with one of my empty wrappers. She smiled at me and I happily ate the borrito. After we were done I was stuffed, we finished our drinks and we all left. We all loaded in the car and I felt really bloated, after a little drive we arrived at the park.

“YAY!” Yelled Maria as she flew out the door climbing over me. I jumped out and followed her, mom and dad sat down at a bench nearby. Maria and I ran straight to the swings, I slowed down and Maria jumped right on. “Come on, let’s swing!” She called

“Nah, I dont think I can with a full stomach” I said. Maria just shugged and kept swinging. I went over to the jungle gym and climbed the rock wall, when I got to the top a saw another girl a little taller than me up there. “Hello” I said.

“Hello” she said. “How old are you?”

“I’m 8” I said pulling my self up and standing up.

“Me too, aren’t you a little short to be 8? You look more 6.” She giggled.

I stomped my foot “no, I’m plenty tall.” She walked close to me.

“Are you sure youre 8?” She asked

“Yes, I know my age, why?” I responded

“Well,” she lifted my shirt “I don’t know any 8 year olds who wear pink diapers”

“Well, uh” I started to say

“I don’t think you’re 8, I think you’re 5, I also think you are actually a girl” she walked closer making me back up into the wall.

“No, no I’m not. I’m a..”

“Do you wet your diaper?”

“Uh” she pressed her hand against my pants and i grew very red

“Oh you’re dry, do you need to go potty baby?” She started to seem taller than before, or i was shrinking. I couldn’t speak, I didn’t know what to say then a hand grabbed her shoulder and turned her around. 

“Leave my brother alone” said Maria with her hands on her hips.

“Don’t you mean little sister” said the girl giggling. Maria gave her the dirtiest look I’ve ever seen and the girl took a step back and then turned around and went down a slide.

“Are you alright” she asked me. I looked up at her realizing I was on the ground. I stood up to thank her but then it hit me. I grabbed my stomach. 

“Maria, where’s the bathroom here?” Maria’s eyes grew wide and then she grabbed my hand and rushed me off the jungle gym and across the park. I kept my free hand on my stomach and tried my best to keep up. We got to a brick building that had the restroom symbols on it, she rushed us into the girls side but I didn’t care, luckily it was empty.

She throw open a stall and pushed me in, I dropped my pants and sat on the toilet seat and pushed. It all came out and that is when i realized i missed a step, I didnt pull the pull up down. I sat there thinking to myself, at least it was in a diaper. When I looked up i saw Maria, she was crying. I stood up and asked maria “what’s wrong, why are you crying?”

“Im so sorry *sniff* I got you into this, I made you wear the diaper, I’m the reason you wet and messed yourself, I’m so sorry” she started to break down. I grabbed her and hugged her. 

“Maria, don’t blame yourself, I let you do it all, it’s not that bad, like I said, I kinda enjoy it.” I comforted her

“Really *sniff*” she asked. I didn’t give her a direct answer but she giggled to herself as she felt the front of my diaper warm up. She hugged me tight and cried what she had left out. “But I gave you the last borrito and it was to much”

“No, it was delicious.” I said with a smile. She hugged me

“I love you big brother …or little sister, whatever you want.” I smiled them she pushed me back and said “let’s get you changed, you’re lucky I grabbed two pull ups, but this is the last one.” She pulled down the changing station and quickly changed me. It’ll always amaze me how good she was at it. We walked out holding hands and them she started to run and pulled me all the way to the swings where we spent the rest of the time.

Mom eventually came over and got us to get in the car. It seemed like it’s been a whole day but it’s only 3 in the afternoon, when we got to the house we carried all of our new clothes Into our rooms and I started to put them away, when I opened my dresser there was the dress from last night, I stared at it for a while when I felt Maria put her head on my shoulder “do you want to play house?” She said with a smile

“Yes, yes I do” I smiled back.

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