Here’re 7 diaper sissy stories for you:)
Little sister’s baby sister pt.1-7
You know when I was your age I didn’t need diapers at all” I look at my little sister Maria, we are about the same hight despite her being only 6 and I’m 8, but I was still the older brother. She has been wetting the bed and had to wear princess diapers.
“Stop, it’s not diapers, it’s pull ups.” Whined Maria “Mom! Derick is being mean!”
Uh oh, here comes mom, Maria always complains to her.

“Derick, leave your little sister alone, the babysitter is going to arrive soon and I don’t need conflict” Mom is currently brushing her hair.
“Babysitter for the diaper wearing baby” I tease Maria.
“I’m not a baby!” Maria whined. She is so whiny, she needs diapers simply because she acts like a baby.
“That’s enough Derick, go downstairs you two and wait for the babysitter, gotcha?”
“Yes mom” we said together and we walk downstairs and sit next to each other on the couch. After a while a car pulls up to the house “MOM, THE SITTER IS HERE!” Maria yells, man she can be loud.
Mom answers the door and greets the sitter and invites her in “hello, thank you for taking the job, this is Derick” she points to me “and this is Maria.” she points to Maria “they can really handle themselves, just make sure Maria is in her pull up before she goes to bed and they eat something, we have food in the fridge and you have my number.” Maria blushes at the mention of her wearing a pull up. “Have fun you too” mom walks out with Dad to go on their “date” night.
The sitter turns to us and says “Alright, you guys can just call me Anna and I’ll be your sitter, do you guys want me to spend time with you guys or do you want to be by yourselves?”
“I’ll be in my room” I get up and head up to my room and I hear Maria say she is going to be in her room and go up the other stairs.
“Ok, I’ll be down here watching TV if you guys need anything” I hear the sitter call from downstairs. My room was boring, I had a few toys but I out grew them. “I wonder what Maria is up to.” I think to my self. I stand up and walk to her room and just walk in “hey Maria.”
“What do you want?” She snapped at me
“Geez, I was bored and wanted to see what you were doing” I responded
“Well I was playing with toys but I’m bored, what do you want to do?” She asked
“I don’t know, that’s why I came here” I answered
“Wanna play truth or dare?” She asked. It has been a while since Ive played truth and dare so I thought why not, as long I’m not doing nothing.
“Sure, I’ll go first. Truth or Dare?”
“Ok, is it true you are a baby?”
“OK, OK. Sorry, is it true that you like school?”
“Yes, I get to go in the sandbox.” I missed Pre-K, we had no homework, no class, no responsibilities. It was great. “now my turn! Truth or Dare?”
“Um… Truth” start off safe.
“Is it true that you like broccoli?”
“Yeah, it’s good!”
“YUCK, I HATE IT. ok, your turn”
“Truth or Dare?”
“Oh, feeling risky huh, ok. I dare you to eat an ice cube.”
“Ok” Maria runs down stairs and comes back with a glass of ice and throws one in her mouth. “Ok, twoth or dare?”
By Honor I must choose dare “Dare.”
“Ok” she leaves the room and comes back with a bottle of water. “Drink this is one go” I take the bottle and chug until the bottle was empty. That was easy. We continue with truths and dares for a while when she then dares me to put on one of her pull ups for teasing her earlier.
Not wanting to back down I take one and walk into the closet and put it on and walk out looking silly.
We continued for a while longer, we had crazy dare and embarrassing truths. It was Maria’s turn to ask “Truth or Dare?”
“Let me tickle you!” I was confused by this but it wasn’t anything more unusual from anything so far so I let her tackle me and start to tickle me and I was laughing. Then it hit me, I had to go to the bathroom, the whole bottle I drunked earlier.
“Ma..hahaha…Maria..hahahaha. St…hahah….stop…hahaha” I begged but she continued until I stopped laughing, she made sure I was pinned and used a free hand to check the diaper I just soaked, i was in shock.
“Oh wow, this is soaked, who is the baby now?! Actually I guess you’re just a bedwetter.” I had no idea what to do, Maria got off me and sat me up sitting me on my soaked pull up and then she went around me and wrapped her arms around my stomach “do you remember that powder mommy gave me when I couldn’t poop, guess what was in the water.”
She squeezed my stomach and I let out a loud fart and filled the pull up with poop. “Oh, I guessed you are a baby now, Only babies poop in diapers.”
I was even more shocked, I couldn’t move, I just sat in my diaper. Maria started to walk around the room and I paid little attention to her, she pulls off my shirt and puts something else on me, she then stands in front of me and I see she is wearing my clothes, she looked a lot like me, some differences but if you didn’t know us well you couldn’t tell.
I stood up and looked in the mirror and I looked like Maria in her dress, I was even more shocked. Someone was walking up the stairs but I didnt hear it but Maria did. She threw a doll at my feet “Denice, can you pick that up for me” she asks. I just bend over to pick it up reveiling my very dirty diaper and then the sitter walked in.
“Hey guys, are you hung… Maria, I thought you only needed the diapers at night?”
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