Don’t you just love a hot strip tease? I just love stroker sluts that love to entertain their princess. So, the other day this stroker slut wanted to play a little game– I love games– especially, when it comes to naked pets; we played this game called rocks, paper scissors. D
Have any of you ever play this game?
Rock- Paper-Scissors for stroker sluts.
Rock, paper and scissors is a hand game that is usually played by 2 people there are 3 hand shapes representing the objects of each, rock, paper and scissors. And the winner is determined by the hand gesture that is made. Rock, crushes scissors, paper covers rock.
So, how do we play this game in a session
Well, you get on cam and we play I can tell what you called and I am honest so I will tell you when you won or if I won but you really want to lose because if you do– you get to take off all your clothes. That’s right and you can get naked for me on cam and then dance!
Woo-hoo! I love when stroker sluts get naked for me!
Are you ready for a sexier version of rock, paper and scissors? I know– I am going to win! woo-hoo!