6 Sissy Cuck Stories for Ultimate Fantasy Fulfillment

6 Sissy Cuck Stories for Ultimate Fantasy Fulfillment

Here are 6 Sissy cuck stories for you:)


I’m quite certain that some of you reading this, like me, have questioned your sexual orientation. Why do we enjoy taking a nice hard cock between our lips while at the same time wishing we could satisfy the women in our lives? We don’t think of ourselves as gay, but we don’t act 100% straight 100% of the time either.

Sissy Cuck Stories

I had to get some answers. I was so confused. I had so many questions. Am I gay? If not, why then do I become aroused seeing Tom’s cock? Why is it that I get so turned on sucking it? Why do I look forward with great anticipation to his visits when I know he’s coming over to fuck my wife and have me suck his cock?

All those questions kept running through my mind. My wife and Tom have both called me cock sucker, faggot, homo, and other names that should have insulted me. Instead, as I slovenly worshiped Tom’s big cock while those names were raining down on me, they only served to excite me further.

I needed counseling, answers to my questions. I needed an expert. I made an appointment with a psychologist who, after I explained my issues, he adjusted his cock through his trousers and suggested I go elsewhere. “Son, I’m just not the right person to answer your questions. You’d be better off with someone who specializes in dysphoria.

Walking me to the door, he patted my big bottom and mentioned that he wouldn’t mind spending some quality time with me. “On a nonprofessional level, of course,” he smiled.

“Um, well, maybe,” I said trying to be polite. “Thank you for your time, doctor.”

I went back to searching. I found a Dr. who said she could help me.

It wasn’t so much excitement that I felt as I drove to my appointment but the angst of having to relate my situation again to another stranger.

“You must be johnnie,” Dr. Martin said, coming around her desk. “I’m doctor Martin. Now before we begin, you need to know that I’m unlicensed. And to be perfectly honest, johnnie, I’m not a PHD. I am however educated in the how, why, and ways of sex. With that said, if you decide to use my services, you may call me doctor and I shall call you johnnie or whatever else I choose.”

“Pleased to meet you, doctor,” I smiled. She handed me some forms and asked me to fill them out. I answered each question. Every question addressed my sexual preferences, experiences, and fantasies, and fears.

She seemed pleasant enough. I had no problem opening up to her. I told her what was going on at home and the questions I had about my own sexuality.

Dr. Martin took notes and occasionally smiled at something I said.

When I at last finished explaining why I was there, Dr. Martin put her note book on her lap. “You say that this Tom fellow has a very nice, your words, cock.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“And you achieve an erection thinking about his visits, knowing you’ll be kneeling before this man, sucking his cock?”

Sigh…. “Yes, Dr. That’s all true.”

“Have you ever wanted to take your rightful place and instead of Tom, it’s you having intercourse with your wife?”

I blushed. “Well, sometimes but Tom does it so much better than I ever could.”

“Do you watch them?”

“Oh yes, ma’am,” I enthused. “All the time if Tom feels my behavior earned me that reward.”

I saw a look of recognition cross Dr. Martin’s face.

“Do you know what’s wrong with me?” I asked, hoping she did.

“I have some ideas, johnnie. Let’s not rush things. We need to explore the depths of your sexuality a bit further.”

I apologized to which she made note of on her pad.

“You seem to have a natural desire to please people, johnnie. Tell me. Have you always been like that?”

I explained to Dr. Martin that considering my build, that I was a timid sort. “I have never challenged anyone, Dr. I have never been considered a threat. So, yes, I guess. I’ve always wanted to please those in my orbit.”

More scribbling on her pad. “Now you may think what I’m going to ask you to do is strange, but I assure johnnie, it’s part of me delving in those questions you have about yourself.”

“I understand, Dr. Martin.”

She had me stand up so she could appraise my body, my stature.

Dr. Martin copied down her observations, saying each one as she quickly made her notes. “Not tall, narrow shoulders, slim waist, hips a bit wider than most males. Subject has nicely rounded buttocks, his best feature.”

“You may sit now, johnnie.”

“Thank you, Dr.”

“Now I have some idea but I’d like to consult with another professional. Can you come back same day, same time next week?”

“Yes, ma’am,” I said standing up to leave.

I spent a hopeful week that Dr. Martin could explain away my uncertainties, my insecurities.

I thought a lot about her during that long week. She was a pretty woman. Cute but not beautiful. I noticed she was fairly flat chested. She was a tad taller than me and wore flats. I liked her smile. Her eyes looked upon me kindly without judgement. She listened to my concerns with empathy. I felt I could trust Dr. Martin and decided I liked her.

With great anticipation, I rode the elevator up the Dr. Martin’s office. There was no one in the waiting room which I later learned that was protocol. Patients were never to meet. It was more a privacy issue for those of us wanting help.

I figured the doctor had an alarm in her office that let her know when a patient entered the waiting area.

“johnnie, right on time. How are you?”

“I’m fine Dr. Martin. And you?”

When I was seated, Dr. Martin explained that she’d spoken with some of her colleagues and they recommended a test. “It’s an easy test, johnnie. No need to have studied,” she giggled. “This is a recognition or preference selection that may go a long way to answering your questions.”

“What do I have to do?” I asked, anxious to get on with it.

“Easy, baby boy. Let me explain first.”

Hearing her call me baby boy made my tummy quiver with butterflies. But in a nice way.

She went to her desk and picked up a magazine of sorts. I noticed her nicely rounded bottom and felt guilty when my dick twitched.

Apologizing that it was not computerized, she handed me what she called a portfolio. Sitting beside me, my dick grew to its full 4 1/2″ when I felt her thigh against mine.

I shifted in my seat hoping my erection wasn’t noticeable. “Now this is what I want you to do. On each page you’ll see contrasting pictures. By contrasting, I mean both will be similar but with some differences. You will tell me which you like, or identify with, or prefer. Each picture will be labeled A and B. You tell me if you pick A or B. Do you understand?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

I knew you were a smart boy,” she smiled and rubbed my thigh.

I gasped and nearly moaned feeling her hand that close to my private parts.

“Okay, baby boy, let’s begin,” she smiled. I noticed her full lips, so luscious and plump.

Again, she gave me butterflies.

The first 2 pictures were a cat and a dog. The cat on the A side was an ordinary house cat. Gray with black and white in its stripes. The dog on the B side was a cute little Shih Tzu. “What a cute puppy I gushed. I pick B.”

Dr. Martin made a note of my selection and told me to continue.

The next 2 pictures weren’t as easy for me. A was a Weeping Willow tree. B was a red rose. I couldn’t decide. Both were pretty.

“My colleague said that this might stump you, baby. Take your time,” she urged again rubbing my thigh.

Her hand so near was not really uncomfortable as was my arousal to her touching me. “The rose,” I blurted. “I mean B.”

Dr. Marin chuckled and squeezed my thigh. Okay, baby boy. Please continue.”

The next 2 pictures were of two identical chairs. One was a brown leather over-stuffed chair. The other was a wing-backed chair. White with a floral pattern. I quickly chose the wing backed.

I turned the page quickly so as to try to ignore her hand rubbing me. The next photos were of two males. One was a real man. So ruggedly handsome and seemingly well built. The other was kind of like me. Short, thin, feminine when compared to the real man.

I pointed to the handsome man. “A,” I said with a bit of enthusiasm.

“I thought you might,” Dr. Martin said squeezing my thigh. “Almost done, baby boy.”

The next 2 pictures were shocking. A was the same handsome man in boxer short. B was the little guy in what looked to be briefs. You could tell his penis was as small as mine because there was no bulge. While the little guy wore a look of uncertainty, the handsome man looked confident. After looking from one to the other, I finally chose the A.

“Okay, baby. We’re making progress,” Dr. Martin smiled. “Just a couple more sets for you to select. Don’t be alarmed. I know that the next ones may be difficult for you to tell me but, johnnie, I need you to be honest with me.”

Her hand on my thigh, her breath warm on my ear. I squirmed and wanted so very badly to adjust my boner.

The A photo was the back from the waist to the back of the knees of a man wearing baggy wrinkled boxer shorts. B was the same except the man was wearing boy-cut panties. The bottom half of his bottom showed. They looked so sexy I took a deep breath and quickly pointed to that one. “B.”

I heard Dr. Martin take a quick breath hearing my selection. “I was hoping you’d choose that one, baby.”

“Why, doctor?” I asked with a raging boner in my pants.

“Be patient, baby. Let’s make our last choice.”

I blushed as I gasped when I turned to the last two photos. “Oh my,” I gushed. The A side was a big beautiful erection with a nice set of big balls under them. Side B was a little dick, much like my own. I stared at side A for the longest time as Dr. Martin rubbed my thigh.

The room was very quiet. “It’s alright, baby boy,” Dr. Martin whispered as she unzipped my pants. “Shh now. Relax,” she blew in my ear as she pulled my throbbing erection out and stroked it a couple times. “I know which one you want to pick. It’s that big hard cock, isn’t it?

I nodded. My mouth was dry as Dr. Martin continues to touch my erection.

When I was moaning, Dr. Martin stood up. Raising her skirt slowly. I saw she wore hose held up with garters. Coming to stand between my feet, she looked at me and smiled. I want you to do what you feel you must, johnnie.”

My eyes opened wide when I saw that Dr. Martin had a cock. It was thick and long. I looked up at her smiling face. “Come on now, baby. You know what you want to do.”

Her hand touched my shoulder. That was all the sign I needed. “Ooooh, God,” I groaned as I left the couch to kneel at her feet. I took her clean-shaven cock in my hand and rubbed it all over my face before holding her big balls and planting my face on them.

Her hands cradled my head. “Yes, my sweet sissy. You were made to service cocks my sweet cock sucker. Show me what you do to your wife’s lover. Suck my cock like you suck Tom’s.”

I felt her moving about and had to move as her skirt slid down her legs. Walking backwards. I followed her on my knees to the chair where she sat.

I took her growing cock between my lips and used my tongue to taste her. I savored the taste of new cock and pre-cum feeling her grow hard. I lapped from her balls to the magnificent head pausing to look up at Dr. Martin.

She’d taken off her blouse and sat like a queen in her garter belt and hose as I became her cock sucker.

I sat back on my heels. Dr. Martin,” I asked as I stroked her wonderful cock. “How did you know?”

“Oh baby, you radiate cock sucker. I knew it the instant I saw you. That’s what you are. My diagnosis is that you, johnnie are a sissy. Unable to please women, you give yourself to a real man like Tom. You’ll go through life servicing real men and women like me with cocks. Look at your little boner barely sticking out the front of your pants.”

I looked down at my sorry excuse for a dick. “I see it every day, doctor. I know it’s small.”

“Small isn’t the word for it, baby boy. Now if you don’t mind, I’d like you to get back to work on my cock.”

I reached for my dick and Dr. Martin immediately chastised me. “Don’t you dare play with yourself while you are performing your nasty habit. Concentrate on making my cock happy; not your pathetic plaything.”

I went back to sucking her cock as she explained herself to me. “Much like you, others saw me more suited dressing as a woman. I tried it and I liked it. I’m bi-sexual, johnnie, like you. But unlike you, I can satisfy my women. As you and I get better acquainted, I’ll put you in touch with your inner sissy.”

I licked her balls and mouthed her scrotum like Tom taught me. Then, using both hands, I quickly but gently stroked her cock while trying my best to deep throat her.

My knees hurt and my jaw was tired by the time that Dr. Martin announced her pending orgasm. “Alright johnnie, let’s see if Tom taught you how to swallow a load.”

Her cock expanded, pulsed and filled my mouth with a large first jet of sperm. Like Tom, Dr. Martin fed me pulse after pulse forcing me to swallow quickly so as not to lose one precious drop.

“Very good, johnnie. Like i mentioned earlier, Tom has trained you to be a top-notch cock sucker. Now, if you must beat off now, take a tissue and be damned sure not to get any of your sissy juice on my carpet. In fact, stand over the trash can and do it.”

Dr. Martin knew instinctively how the humiliation would turn me on. I took a tissue and stood over the trash can as she busied herself putting her blouse and skirt back on.

She heard me groan as my climax came quickly. “Good boy. See you next week, same time. Now please go.”

I hardly had time to put my dick away before she was hurrying me on my way. I had instant regrets as I made my way home. “Maybe I shouldn’t have done that,” I thought.

But I did it and I knew that my next appointment I would more than likely be required to do it again.

Tom was there when I arrived home. “Hey, johnnie. How was your day?”

“Um, it was fine, sir.”

“Good. I’m glad to hear that. I don’t want anything to interfere with the blow job I want.”

“Uh, where’s my wife?” I asked hoping I wouldn’t have to suck his cock.

“Yeah, Cindy. She’s out. Working late. She told me to tell you to cover for her. Get naked for me, cock sucker.”

“May I shower first, please?”

“Make it quick. Will ya. This hard on ain’t gonna suck itself.”

I hurried before Tom changed his mind. Feeling the warm water washing over me gave me comfort. Thinking about what I was about to do, gave me an unexpected and rare second erection.

Tom was standing fucking my face when my wife walked in. “Thank God, Tom. I’m glad you used johnnie. I had a day from hell.”

“Your boy gets the easy nut. I plan on wearing out that pussy of yours later.”

“Uh huh. Promises, promises,” my wife laughed and went to change.

Tom insisted I stay naked throughout the evening which was fine with me. As usual, I tended to the couple, pouring drinks, fluffing Tom, cleaning my wife’s well fucked pussy after Tom was through with her. It wasn’t that I resented their treatment of me that night. I was used to being bottom rung. While my mind was on the events at Dr. Martin’s, my mouth was on sex organs.

Tom left and Cindy crashed. I lay beside her, still thinking about the casual way Dr. Martin seduced me. Showing me her beautiful cock was one thing. That she had a cock at all was more than surprising. “Here’s a male for all intent and purposes who dresses like a woman and is not afraid to let others know. Not exactly a secret.”

One thought led to another. I couldn’t deny that I liked the look of that guy’s bottom in those boy-cut panties. My dick jumped a little thinking about that photo. But two boners in one day wore my dick out. I rolled over and went to sleep.

As the week went by, I thought about my next appointment. I wondered if I was making a mistake. Dr. Martin had used me for her sexual gratification and discarded me as easily I discarded the tissue I used to catch my sperm. Even though it was humiliating to be brushed aside after sucking her cock, it turned me on. I planned to ask her about that. Was it normal or am I too fucking weird for this world?

“johnnie! Welcome. Come in, baby boy.”

The way Dr. Martin welcomed me made me feel good, appreciated even. I smiled back. “How are you doctor?”

“I’m fine, sweet boy. But we’re not here to talk about me, are we?”

“No ma’am,” I agreed.

She sat across from me. Crossing her leg, I could briefly see the stocking top. “Now before I delve into your inner sissy, baby, do you have anything on your mind you’d like to ask me?”

“Yes, ma’am, I do. First, why was I so attracted to that photo of the guy in those pretty boy-cut panties?”

Dr. Martin smiled. Her full lips, painted a deep red, were so inviting. “I knew you’d be wondering why you got so excited by that picture, johnnie. It’s pretty easy to understand, actually. A boy such as you subconsciously knows he’s unfit to mate with women. He’s desperate to attract real men. In that effort, a good sissy will do her level best to appear more feminine. Lingerie is a natural first step.”

That surprised me and Dr. Martin could tell. “Let me ask you this, baby boy. Did you merely liked the way that male looked in panties or, and I want you to be honest with me and more importantly, yourself, would you like to have been that male?”

“I don’t know. I mean me wearing panties, doctor. I admit that photo aroused me. I’m not sure why.”

“Well, johnnie. There is one way we can solve your dilemma.”

“How is that?”

Dr. Martin rose from her chair and went to her desk. I watched as she pulled a pretty pink bag from her Coach Purse. Smiling at me as she returned, Dr. Martin handed me the bag. “You can put these on, baby boy. Your reaction will tell us both if my theory is correct.”

I knew what was in the bag I held. My hands trembled as I pulled out a delicate panty which was identical to the one in that sexy photo. “Dr. Martin,” I begged. “Please don’t make me put these on.”

She smiled an understanding smile. “I know this is a big first step, johnnie. The first step is the hardest. But the first step is also important in you getting in touch with your true self.”

“My inner sissy,” I said weakly.

“Exactly that, baby.”

The room was silent as I pondered what my doctor had said. “Well, someone wants to be in pretty panties,” she said with authority. “Your little dick is hard.”

I hadn’t noticed but she was right. My dick was tenting my capri pants. I blushed a hot crimson.

“Nothing to be ashamed of baby. Just strip down and put them on. If you’d like some privacy, you can use the restroom.”

I took a deep breath before deciding. “I’ll use the restroom, ma’am.”

My whole body was shaking as I removed my pants and briefs. I cannot explain it. To this day it remains a mystery to me. When I pulled those panties up and over my big bottom, it felt like I had removed some invisible weighty thing that had been holding me down. Dr. Martin would explain later that it was me blossoming into what I was born to be.

But at that moment, I felt freer than ever before. Free to be me. I looked into the mirror and decided that my shirt should be off. Removing that garment, I opened the door and introduced a new panty wearing sissy to my doctor.

“Heeeres johnnie,” she smiled and clapped. No, she didn’t sound like Ed McMann nor Jack Nicholson. But she sounded happy. And she was. Dr. Martin said we had a break-through.

“Let me look at you, my sweet sissy.”

She came to me, first hugging me then having me turn and bend, modeling my new panties for her appreciation.

“Hold that pose, baby,” she told me when I was bent at the waist. She came up behind me and I felt her cock rubbing my bottom between the cheeks. While she was humping my butt, Dr. Martin reached under me and stroked my dick through my panty. It all felt so wonderful and more. It all felt so natural, so right.

Dr. Martin pulled back and had me sit. “No use in having you beat off so soon into our session. Though I must say baby, you look divine in panties. I suggest you buy yourself several in as many colors and styles as you like.”

“Oh, I will, Dr. I feel so, um so free, like a weight has been lifted from me.”

“It has, baby. Trust me, you are making great strides. Now, is there another question you would like to ask?”

“Why does being humiliated arouse me?”

“Oh, that. Well, johnnie, it’s because you feel inferior because of your lack of manhood and masculinity.”

“I don’t follow you, doctor.”

“You being less than a man, let us agree that you’re not a real man, I mean that tiny dick and all.”

My tiny dick jumped in my panty. “Agreed,” I whispered.

“Deep inside you have a feeling of worthlessness. That’s because you are, at least as far as mating and producing offspring. You know you can’t please a woman. You respond to humiliation because you know what they’re saying or having you do is what you need to hear or do. Your arousal to humiliation is really your acceptance of what you are.”

“I’m a sissy.”

“Correct. Any other questions?”

“But even having me cum over a trash can?”

“Yes, johnnie. Having you cum in over a trash can is me telling you your sperm has no value. You may want to practice that at home. Maybe even discharging your useless seed right into the toilet. The more you do that, the more you’ll accept what you are.”

I shuddered in abject humiliation and arousal. My reaction did not go unnoticed. “Now let’s get to what you are really here for, shall we?”

“Sucking your beautiful cock?”

“Eventually, baby. We’ll get to that. Today I want you to try something new and different.”

Dr. Martin stood and, keeping eye contact with me, she unbuttoned, unzipped and dropped her skirt. She was wearing a garter belt and hose. But this time she wore a beautiful pale blue panty over her garter belt. I could see her cock through her panty looking as captivating as the last time.

“Hop up.”

I stood and watched her lean with her hands on the back of the couch. Her big bottom sticking out, Dr. Martin spread her legs. Looking back over her shoulder, she smiled. I want you to kneel behind me, between my legs.”

“Yes. Like that. Good boy. Now I want you to lean in and lick me from my balls up and through the crack of my ass.”

I pushed my face into her big ass and lapped her ball sac through her panty then all the way up between the cheeks of her wonderful bottom. Again and again, I repeated licking my way up her ass. She was quivering as was I. And when she reached back and pulled her panty aside, I didn’t hesitate to lick her bare balls and anus.

I took her thighs in my hands and pushed my face deep in the crevasse of her bottom stabbing her hole with my tongue.

“That’s it my wonderful sissy. Eat my big sexy ass. Use your tongue. Get in there deep you fucking cock sucking faggot.”

I didn’t need her encouragement but hearing her call me dirty names excited me to no end. I tongue fucked her bottom until she turned around. I watched her take her long fat cock in her hand and furiously jack off until she groaned and coated my face with her sperm on the first blast.

Then she aimed lower. “Lean back, sissy. Show me that little boner.”

She covered my tummy and panty with her warm seed causing me to cum with her. I had the single most glorious orgasm in my life. I groaned and squealed and filled my new panties with my thin spooge as the good doctor brought her cock to my face and had me suckle the last of her climax.

“That’s good, baby. You may dress and leave.”

“Well, at least I didn’t have to use a tissue this time I thought as I cleaned myself, pulled up my old briefs, and finished dressing.

As I left the restroom, Dr. Martin called out to me. “Same time next week.”

I turned to tell her okay and saw that she had her head buried in some papers. “Okay,” I said loudly. She only raised her hand and waved me off.

On the way home, I stopped at a department store to buy some panties.

The sales lady gave me some strange looks but I ignored them and made my selections. When paying for them, that same woman looked at me and said to come back if I needed some sexy sleep wear. I could only nod and blush.

I was excited to show Dr. Martin that I had accepted her conclusions or diagnosis, whatever, and let her see me in my new panties. But first, I had to hide them from Cindy. I didn’t want her blabbing to Tom.

The week seemed to drag on. Minutes were like hours. Nights of sleepless tossing and turning and secret masturbation. Licking Dr. Martin’s bum was the most degrading and yet sexiest thing I’d ever done. I knew if she wanted, I’d be more than happy to cover her bottom with soft kisses and tongue fuck her again.

“Hello, my sweet cock sucker,” Dr. Martin welcomed me.

“Hi, Dr.” So used to being called cock sucker, I didn’t even flinch.

I saw she was dressed much the same but her make-up was a tad harsh, the kind that says “I mean Business.”

“So, baby, what’s new with our blossoming sissy?”

All of a sudden, I got cold feet about telling her about my panties. “Well, um, I uh, I did what you told me doctor. I bought some panties.”

Dr. Martin came around her desk. “Wonderful. Are you wearing panties now?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Do show me, johnnie. I think after your performance last week that we can skip you going to the restroom to get undressed.”

I was removing my shirt and told her I bought a pair just like the ones she wore last week.”

“Have you thought about what you did last week?”

“You mean when….”

“When you tongue fucked my ass.”

“Yes ma’am,” I said removing my sneakers.

“Did you beat off?”

I nodded.

“Words, johnnie. Use your words. Did you beat off into a trash can?”

“No ma’am. I came in a tissue and flushed it down the toilet.”

“Why waste the tissue? I think it would be a good idea if you just jacked off directly into a commode. That way, you save on tissues which I’m sure you use a lot, and you put that shit where it belongs. However, there is one other place where it can go. Recycle it, baby boy.”

“Recycle?” I asked not following her.

“Recycle. Put it back where it came from.”

“Back up my……?”

“Are you taking something for how dense you can be? Eat it. Catch and recycle.”

I looked at her dumbfounded.

“Pants, johnnie,” she pointed out.

I began to remove them when she stopped me. “Turn around. I want to see your sexy ass.”

“Oooo. My new sissy bought the same pale blue panty he likes to lick.”

“Thank you, doctor,” I said bending at the waist and giving her a great shot of my big bottom.

“That’s nice, baby. You can stand up now.”

I was surprised to see that except for her standard garter belt and hose, Dr. Martin was nude and her mouthwatering cock was hard.

Taking my hand, she led me to the couch. “Place your hands on the back, baby. Yes, like that. Now spread your legs.”

If I thought Dr. Martin was going to lick my panties and tongue my bottom, I was mistaken. I felt the solid warmth of her cock pressing against my crack. Slowly Dr. Martin humped my round bottom which felt so very naughty and so darn wonderful. Hearing me moan, she asked me to tell her what I wanted.

“Tell me baby, You know what I want. Do you want it too?”

I answered her by reaching back and pulling my panty to the side feeling her hot cock on my flesh. Her pre-cum moistened my opening and I knew what she wanted. But I wasn’t ready. Not quite yet.

Her hands held my hips. Her cock rubbed up and down, sometimes poking my hole. I felt my anus flexing as if to coax that big cock inside me. I finally gave in. I reached back, took her cock in my hand. Aiming it at my opening, I begged her to fuck me.

“Please, doctor. Fuck me. Put your wonderful cock in your sissy.”

“Once I do, baby. There’s no going back. You’ll give up your boi-pussy to real men who show you the slightest bit of interest.”

“Oh God, yes. I’ll fuck anyone you want me to. Please….”

She entered me slowly and it hurt. “Be still, bitch. Push out as I push in. The pain will ease.”

She was right. After several minutes of her slowly allowing me to get used to her prodigious cock, I began to fuck back.

“Oh God yes. Yes,” I cried out. “Oh God Dr. Martin, I love it. I love being fucked.”

“I knew you would, baby girl. You have a fabulous pussy girl. Tight with just the right amount of jiggle on your fat pussy lips.”

Dr. Martin took and handful of my hair in one hand and spanked my bottom with the other. It was all so sexy, just like I’d seen Tom fuck my wife. I was feeling every bit of the female Dr. Martin was calling me.

“Whose pussy is this?” she asked as she spanked me.

“Yours, doctor. This pussy belongs to you. Oh God, fuck your pussy. Fuck your sissy hard.”

I felt her jerk, heard her curse as her body stiffened and her cock in me expanded. She humped me hard a few more times emptying her balls deep in what is now my pussy. Slumping over my back, she lay on top of me panting.

We cleaned up in the restroom. Instead of summarily dismissing me as usual, Dr. Martin wanted to talk.

I knelt and was soaping her cock with the disinfectant restroom soap while she gave me instructions. I want you to eat Tom’s ass before your next visit, johnnie.”

“Can I ask why you want me to do that?”

“Is that a problem?”

“No, ma’am. It’s, um, it’s just that I hoped that was something special just between us. Something I only want to do for you,” I said as I rinsed and dried her cock.

Dr. Martin put her hand under my chin, forcing me to look up at her. “You really are a special little faggot, baby boy. Tell you what, I’ll let that be between us. You can eat my ass whenever you have my permission.”

“Thank you, doctor,” I said bending to kiss the tip of her cock.

“That’s nice, baby. Don’t stop. Give momma a gentle blow job.”

Dr. Martin leaned back against the sink as I nibbled, licked, and kissed her big cock. She didn’t get hard but on my knees in a bathroom sucking a cock was just one more hurdle she said I crossed.

“I want you back the day after tomorrow, baby. When you get to the waiting room, strip down to your panties. Oh, and maybe put a bit of polish on your fingers and toes.”

“Yes, ma’am,” I smiled at her. “I hope I can be as beautiful as you one day when I get the nerve to dress as nicely as you.”

“We’ll get there, baby. You’re making very good progress as a sissy. Now please dry my cock and leave me.”

The day passed and I felt like I was heaven. “I have a girlfriend,” I smiled to myself knowing full well that Dr. Marting was not really a woman. My anus flexed and tingled the rest of that day; a constant reminder that it is now a pussy. “I was fucked, and it was wonderful. I had cum with a cock in me. I’d cum when doctor came on my panty covered dick. I was learning so much about who and what I am, and it was all so exciting.

I worried about Tom and Cindy seeing my nails polished but decided that what I wanted was more important. And, what I wanted was to please my doctor and keep making progress. I heard that having a crush on your doctor is called transference. I didn’t think I had a crush on Dr. Martin. I just looked up to her and wanted to be like her.

I know that I could never really be like her. She has a cock. I don’t. But I could accept who I am and be free in what I am. That would be enough.

I did my fingers and toes in a bright red which contrasted beautifully against my pale skin. I chose a red thong that would match since my first appearance today would be in only panties.

I undressed in the waiting room and knocked on Doctor Martin’s door.

“Enter,” she called out.

“Oh my God. How sexy you are baby girl. I shall refer to you as girl from now on. Is that okay with you, johnnie?”

My boner was already pointing in my thong. “That would be nice, doctor. You make me feel like a sexy woman.”

I thought she was wearing a camisole, sitting behind her desk, but when she stood, I saw that she was wearing a negligee top, crotchless panties, and her usual garter and hose. White panties with her wonderful cock hanging low. All framed in black garter and black fishnet hose.

I turned without her asking so she could see her pussy.

Dr. Martin came around and gathered me in her strong arms. Holding my bottom, now her pussy in both hands, she surprised me when her lips met mine.

I could have swooned right then and there. I heard myself moan as I held her big bottom and kissed her back. Our tongues felt each other, and I moaned again. Since Tom had been fucking my wife, he insisted she not cheat on him with me. I had not had intimacy in so long I forgot how wonderful it felt to be held, kissed and loved.

I reached down between us and gently held her balls.

Breaking our kiss, Dr. Martin held my shoulders and looked me in the eye. “I love that my girl is so obedient. You came in wearing your panties and what sexy panties they are. I love the pink lace trim around the waist baby girl. And look at your pretty toes and fingers. What a sweet sissy you are.”

“Thank you, doctor. May I say how sexy you are. I love your outfit. The white panty with the black accessories are stunning.”

“I want you to start dressing sexier too, my darling cock sucker. That pussy would look enticing framed in a garter belt. I bet your legs would look pretty fantastic in hose. I want you to come to me in such an outfit.”

I shivered but it was a good shiver. “I will, I promise,” I said kissing her nipple.

“Oooh, yeas. I like that, baby. Come with me.”

Dr. Martin took my hand in hers and led me the short distance to the couch. Laying back on her side, she had me kneel and pulled my head to her chest. “Suck my nipples darling sissy. Suck it like a tiny cock and caress my big cock.”

She needn’t have told me to play with her cock. I wanted very much to make my lover feel good.

I suckled her titties for several minutes as she held my head tight to her chest. When she relaxed her grasp of my head. I moved down her torso kissing and licking her tight abs until I reached her now hard cock.

Dr. Marting allowed me to suck her cock for a few minutes and then she wanted more.

Once more and knelt on the couch. Her fabulous bottom in my face. She didn’t have to say a word. I pushed my face in and kissed her ass all over. Then, as before, I began licking at her balls and up the crack. Just barely grazing her anus, I teased my doctor several times until she groaned. “Get in there, baby. Fuck my ass with your tongue like my good slut.”

I pushed my face between the cheeks of her ass and gave her what she wanted. Holding her hips, Dr. Martin allowed me to tongue fuck her big bottom for maybe 10 minutes. This time, when she turned to me, she told me to jack her cock. “Show me how badly you want my sperm. I want you to make me cum on your pretty face baby girl. I want to paint your cock sucking face. Now show me.”

I wore her sperm proudly as I went to clean myself up. Oh, Dr. Martin used her cock to collect what she could from my face and let me lick it clean.

I looked at my face in the mirror and I liked what I saw. I’d never been happier. Never been more certain of who and what I am and it was all because of Dr. Martin.

She hadn’t dressed and we sat in our lingerie and chatted. “How would you feel about going out with me?”

“I’d love to doctor. What do you have in mind?”

“Dinner and maybe some dancing.”

“Wow. You have no idea how long it’s been since I went out on a date. Even my wife no longer wishes to go out without Tom. What should I wear?”

“Come to me, princess. Stand here.”

I stood between her knees. She took my bottom in her hands and caressed me there. “Mmm. I love this pussy. Maybe I should have fucked you today instead.”

“It’s okay…. At least for me it was,” I giggled softly.

“You asked me what you should wear. I’ve thought about this a lot, johnnie. More than you know. And what I want is to see you in a skirt, a garter belt with hose, and lip stick, and please baby, do something about your hair. The Rebbecca of Sunny Brook Farm look is fine for here but not when we’re out in the world.”

My mind was reeling hearing she wants me to wear a skirt out in public. Dr. Martin saw me struggling with that idea. She brought her hands up to my face and pulled me close to hers. “Baby girl, if I can wear women’s clothes, you can. You certainly have the body for it.”

Then she kissed me on the lips again. A long soft kiss. When she parted, she asked me again. “Do it for me my darling little sissy. Please. Once you do it, you’ll like it. It becomes easier and you’ll feel loads better about yourself.”

I knelt and placed my head in her lap. Yes, her cock was there but the moment didn’t call for me doing anything to it. I hugged my face in her abdomen and a tear came to my eyes. After all she’d done for me, why would I hesitate?

“I’m sorry Dr. Martin for not agreeing right away. Yes, I will wear whatever you tell me to. You’ve done so much for me and asked so little. I owe you for all the happiness I’ve felt since we’ve been seeing each other. Of course, I will wear a skirt for you. Even if Tom and Cindy see me in it, fuck em. I’m thinking about leaving her anyway.”

Pt 2 coming soon. As always dear readers, your comments and email will be appreciated.

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