How to play the ruin orgasm game

Guided Masturbation Assignment

I have an assignment for you today. It’s a guided masturbation game with a twist.
This is what you will need:

This is a fun stroking game that’s meant to last until you are ready to burst.

Think of it as a masturbation marathon.

This is how it works. I want you to start off with one die only. I want you to roll the dice. The number that you get is the number of minutes that you have to stroke your cock.

I hope you don’t get too many sixes in a row!

Use the stopwatch to time yourself accurately. As soon as your time is up, you have to roll again right away. No breaks! When you hit the tenth roll, roll both die.

Whatever number appears is the number of minutes that you have to stop stroking your cock and be denied.

Then start rolling the dice again with one dice only. When you hit roll number twenty, do the same thing you did for the tenth roll.

Are you starting to feel it yet?

Your cock must be practically burning by now. No doubt precum is dripping off the head of your cock and you are anxious to come.

I want you to roll the dice at least thirty times. Once you hit thirty, stop.

And then I want you to ruin your own orgasm.

You heard me.

Do you really think that after one measly dice game you are ready to come? I don’t think you’ve worked that hard, have you?

Do whatever you have to do to ruin it.

Now, if you can make it to 100 rolls of the dice, maybe then I will let you come. But you will have to check with me first.

But thirty? That’s a definite ruin for sure. And once you’ve ruined your orgasm, you can try again later. After all, if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.

This is going to be so much fun!

XoXo, Lexie

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